Foundation Software Group

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Foundation Software Group

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Mr. Ansley Bruen Jr.



I had an HTC EVO DESIGN 4G and I added this card to it. It was like 4x faster to transfer files to it from a computer and games like N.O.V.A. 2 which put a massive amount of files on your microSD loads so much faster. I put ALL my apps on my SD and noticed no difference in performance of the games or apps.I had one problem though, and it was that my phone would repeatedly say that the card was unmounted or it couldn't find the card. Popping of the battery cover and pulling out the card and reinserting would fix this, or just a reboot. I thought this was the fault of the card, but since I have upgraded to an HTC EVO 4G LTE, I have had no Issues with the card.So, If you have issues with your phone not reading the card, IT MIGHT BE YOUR PHONE.


Briana Thompson


"Great price"

and good product. I haven't had any issue with the San Disk memory cards so I prefer to stay with them. I have several electronic devices what use the micro SD and they all work great. I would recommend this product.

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