Inspirix Technologies

IT System Development
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Inspirix Technologies

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Tiara Gorczany II


"Great Micro SD card"

I've been trying for a while to get a hold of a 32GB Micro SD for my phone and tablet. It's pretty fast compared to the 16GB cards I've been using. I really saw the performance boost with my phone, which I have many apps, pictures, music, and other documents on. The phone boots fully stable in about 2 mins as apposed to 5-6 mins. My computer also can write to these cards much faster than the 16GB ones I was using. If you phone, tablet or any other device can support it I recommend you purchase these. Also you pay like half the price using Amazon as opposed to other retail stores who's price is at least double or more. I've seen these same cards going for about $72 in my area.


Ms. Ellie Kunze IV


"nothing to really say...."

it works as expected. I should have sprung for the higher capacity. I think its made a bit cheesier than the earlier versions; the paint looks not as clean as before

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